Monday, June 04, 2012

Facebook/ On Liberalism, an Entropic Political State

I use Facebook to keep up to date on the public performances of my friends who are artists. But mostly its my medium to keep up to date with the material that my progressive friends are reading and share the articles that I’m reading as well. Because this sharing leads, often times, to intense written communications posted on facebook, I closely limit whom I accept as friends. There are some that I wish I had never befriended, but most are people that I benefit from this communications although some personal posts I wish they would keep to themselves.

I also learn a lot from my liberal white friends, mostly about how liberalism is a failed state of politics. For instance I’m always amazed and disappointed at the amount of time they spend ranting to each other about what the Republicans are doing, while never holding their own accountable for their lack of activism. They also never hold the Democratic Party accountable for failing to mobilize their base except for voting and fundraising. 

For instance, the big topic of vitriol this week is the increase of grass roots donations for the defense fund of George Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, after a judge sent him back to jail for lying about his finances.  Meanwhile the donations for the three Occupy Wall Street protestors locked up in Cook County jail continue to lag. In many ways I respect the those that are rallying around George Zimmerman more than I do my liberal friends who are not willing to put their beliefs to practice. This is the same with the Tea Party, while their views are odious as are those who support Zimmerman, if my liberal friends spent as much time organizing as the Tea Party does and less time complaining about the Tea Party, then Barack Obama and the Democratic Party would be a lot more progressive and dynamic as opposed to a raisin under the hot sun of American Right Wing Politics. 

* photo is of me standing with a Mardi Gras Indian on Super Sunday in New Orleans

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